Phone Scam Protection

Being a carer myself, I worry about my Mother’s safety. Particularly from people knocking on the door, hence having a video phone installed. However, there’s not much we can do about the phone. Over the last few years, I’ve had my Mother constantly asking me if everything in the bank is alright due to a scammer calling mum and trying to get money from her.

I got to meet Pei whilst doing my market stall recently. Even though I had a phone jammer installed, the scammers were still getting through somehow and I paid quite a lot for it.

I can safely say that the free service the Buckinghamshire and Surry trading standards provide and the monitoring for intelligence is a relief for me, particularly with my met police background.

Please click on the link below for more information

Phone fraud and nuisance callers – Surrey County Council (

You may also be interested in our free Friends Against Scams sessions for anyone to attend and give information on how to safeguard against scams. There is a follow on session called Scam Champions for anyone who wants to promote scam awareness and give talks. Dates and times of these sessions are on this hyperlink Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards Events | Eventbrite



My personal testimonial

“Thank you so much for visiting my Mother and me and securing even more security for her. I am so glad to have met you and your dedicated team at Friar’s square market. Tracey done a great installation and showed real dedication.

I can safely say that the free service the Buckinghamshire and Surry trading standards provide and the monitoring for intelligence is a relief for me, particularly with my met police background.

Since having the device installed, I have noticed that since all my Mother’s unknown callers (i.e. scammers trying to get through to her) have been transferred through to me. They call and when I answer they hang-up. Also, I can keep a record of there numbers and block them at the same time.

Less stress for my Mother, and more intelligence for you”

Darren St Mart